About Us
Hi, I'm Robert (Bob) Eckenfels, I own a farm located in Ste. Genevieve Missouri which is 60 miles south of St. Louis.
My family moved here from Germany in 1851 and settled on this land, and it has been passed down through the generations. I have worked and lived on this land my whole life and I take pride in maintaining the beauty and heritage.
I raise grass-fed South Poll Cattle. I have learned over the years that this breed is like no other, they are tame and calm. They also make for a great finished product for our consumers. I also raise pigs and chickens.
This is a family-owned business, I have a wonderful wife Susan, and 4 children who help play a role in the family farm.

Questions? Leave a message...
... or give us a call
Bob Eckenfels - 573-883-0337
Kayla Gegg - 573-883-0911
19075 Highway 32 Ste. Genevieve MO 63670